Tony An (2022 SNUAA Scholar), Software Engineer at Google


I hope this email finds you well! My name is Tony Jongyoon An, an inaugural recipient of the SNUAA scholarship. I wanted to give an update to you all on my life and how this scholarship has helped me! 

In May, I graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a major in Computer Science and a minor in Data Science and Mathematics. 

Now at the end of my academic journey at Penn, I have so little words for the thousands of emotions I’m feeling. Boldly, I feel gratitude for the support of my friends, family, and entities like SNUAA which have made the pursuit of higher education possible for me. With that in mind, I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to you all for supporting my education and career. It would not have been possible without your support!

Over the past year, I’ve worked to take strides towards my career goals that I once wrote about in my scholarship essay. 

For one, I worked as a Head Teaching Assistant for Penn’s Software Engineering course. I managed a staff team of 21 people and taught a class of over 150 students. Ultimately, I wanted to equip students with the technical knowledge necessary to change the world through developing new software and technology. 

Now, I am at Google working as a Software Engineer. I am working on Google’s Cloud Infrastructure, aiding in the process of making the world’s information universally accessible and useful. With work, I want to be a diligent steward of my skills and talents, and become a mentor to aspiring students in the field of technology. 

Otherwise, how is everything with SNUAA, and the new cohorts? I’d love to hear updates on how you all have been.

Thank you once again, and I hope to keep in touch even post graduation!


Tony An

서울대학교 미주동창회

서울대학교 미주동창회