Founder/CEO: Jaehyung James Lee (공대 00) 박사
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동문 여러분, 앞으로도 계속 활기차고 한인사회를 선도하는 동창회가 되도록 도와주시기를 바랍니다. 2025년도의 첫 번 째 “동문기업 소개“는 다음과 같습니다.

Date: January 14, Tuesday, 6:00 pm PT
Enterprise: STRATIO, INC.
Founder/CEO: Jaehyung James Lee (공대 00) 박사
Description: STRATIO is a deep-tech startup in San Jose, specializing in Germanium-based SWIR (shortwave infrared) sensors.
At STRATIO, we’re excited to introduce our new image sensor, which covers the infrared range (800 nm – 1,700 nm, SWIR) and is priced similarly to standard image sensors (~$20). This makes it over 1,000 times more affordable than existing SWIR products.
Our low-cost, highly sensitive SWIR sensor can differentiate between various materials, enabling applications such as fabric detection, soil organic carbon analysis, floor type recognition, and food freshness estimation. With further development, it has significant potential in industries like autonomous driving, where it can enhance visibility in foggy or dusty conditions—outperforming traditional visible spectrum cameras.
STRATIO 대표 (2013 – 현재)
Boston Consulting Group Consultant (2010)
Alticast (2004-2006)
Stanford Univ. EE 박사 (2014)
Stanford Univ. EE 석사 (2008)
서울대학교 전기공학부 학사 (2004)

10배 싼 적외선 카메라 개발 성공, 8년간의 결실 맺은 실리콘밸리의 한국 스타트업