필즈상 받는 허준이 교수 (헬싱키=연합뉴스) 김정은 특파원 = 5일(현지시간) 핀란드 헬싱키 알토대학교에서 허준이 프린스턴대 교수 겸 한국 고등과학원 석학교수가 '수학 노벨상' 필즈상을 수상하고 있다. 2022.7.5 kje@yna.co.kr/2022-07-05 16:43:16/

June Huh ( 물리·천문 07) wins the 2022 Fields Medal, highest award in math for young mathematicians

동창회보 2022년 7월호, p. 4

June Huh, a mathematician of Princeton University, has won one of this year’s Fields Medals at the International Congress of Mathematicians. The Fields Medal is one of the most prestigious prizes in mathematics. It is awarded every four years “to recognise outstanding mathematical achievement for existing work and for the promise of future achievement”. Up to four mathematicians up to the age of 40 are awarded a Fields Medal each time. – JHPlus pdf (mathunion.org)

Born in Stanford, California, he spent most of his younger days in Korea, attending elementary school, high school and university in Korea. Although he showed talent in mathematics, he dropped out of high school after he failed to settle down and took the qualification exam instead.
He entered Seoul National University (SNU) as a physics major but showed more interest in mathematics, and had to attend school for six years because he failed many of his physics classes. He fully switched to mathematics and received a master’s degree in mathematics at SNU and a Ph.D. at the University of Michigan. – Korea JoongAng Daily


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