SC Forum: 재미과기협의 청소년 프로그램을 토대로 동문 자녀를 위한 프로그램을 시작한다면?

Date: Tuesday, Mar 8, 2022, 5:00 – 7:00 pm PT
Speaker: 안혜정 박사 (가정 81), Chemist/Program Specialist, U.S. FDA
Organizer: SoCal Chapter

One of the most important and well-known public outreach programs that KSEA provides to the Korean community is the KSEA Math and Science Competition (NMSC) which is offered every year in April. In recent years the program had attracted more than 2000 student participants from K to 11th graders.  This program was in jeopardy during the pandemic since public gathering was totally prohibited.  While serving as VP1 for KSEA, Haejung An worked together with the KSEA’s IT team and the Math Committee to totally revamp the NMSC test system which is secure and stable and fair to all participants.  Using the newly developed online system, KSEA was able to offer two NMSC programs without compromising the quality despite the pandemic restrictions.  She was also very instrumental in providing KSEA science programs online where students were able to actively engage in the program and gain many insights into the programs.  She will discuss the IT development process and strategies in how she made it possible to keep the KSEA active and reach out to the second generation during the pandemic.


Ph.D.   1989.   University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
M.S.    1984.   Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA.
B.S.     1981.   Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.


2008-Present   Chemist/Program Specialist, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Pacific Southwest Food and Feed Laboratory, Irvine, CA

1991-2008       Assistant and Associate Professor, Food Science and Nutrition at Oregon State University and Auburn University, and USC School of Pharmacy


Haejung An is currently working at US FDA as a regulatory chemist overseeing the food safety programs in the U.S. She oversees the screening processes of unapproved chemicals such as antibiotics and chemical adulterants in foods particularly in the import foods.

She served as the Vice President 1 for KSEA in 2020 to 2021 during the COVID 19 lockdown.  She had to overcome many difficulties in order to continue to provide the traditional KSEA programs to the Korean Second generations despite the lockdown.  Her topic is how KSEA overcame all the technical barriers to continue to deliver the main KSEA traditional educational programs to the KSEA second generation during the COVID 19 pandemic lockdown from 2020 to 2021. 

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