Tufts대학 명예교수 성낙호 (공대 60) 동문께서 지난 10월 22일 토요일 한국방문 중 갑자기 별세하셨습니다. 한국에서의 장례식은 지난 주에 치렀습니다. 미국에서의 Funeral service가 오는 11월 15일 (화요일) 오후 3시에 Lexington Center 근처에서 있습니다.
일시: 2022년 11월 15일 (화) 오후3시
장소: Douglass Funeral Home, 51
Worthen Rd, Lexington, MA
전화: 781-862-1800
KSEA Announcement
KSEA is deeply saddened to share the news that Professor Nak Ho Sung, the 30th KSEA President, passed away on Saturday, October 22, 2022.
KSEA Community would like to extend our deepest Condolences to Prof. Sung’s family.
Nakho Sung, Professor Emeritus at Tufts University, chaired the department of chemical and biological engineering from 2007 to 2010 and was the Director and Founder of the Laboratory for Materials and Interfaces (LMI) at Tufts University. Prior to joining Tufts University in 1978, he was a Research Associate and Assistant Professor at M.I.T. Professor Sung’s research was in Polymer Science and Engineering, focused on structural composites and multiphase systems. Specific areas include interface science, in-situ monitoring techniques for reactions in polymers and composites, fiber-optic spectroscopy, sorption/ diffusion of organic molecules in polymeric system, and membrane development for fuel cell and hydrogen purification.
He was a Technical Advisor to SK Group in Korea for 24 years and a member of the National Academy of Engineering of Korea and served as the 30th President of the Korean American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA), and the President of the Korean American University Professor’s Association in America (KAUPA). Dr. Sung organized many international conferences and delivered numerous invited talks and lectures in Korea and the Peoples’ Republic of China. He was a member of ACS, AIChE, APS, SAMPE, SPE Adhesion Soc., and N.Y. Academy of Science. He has published more than 100 papers, edited a book, “Science and Technology of Polymer Processing,” (MIT Press) and holds multiple patents.
There will be a funeral service in Korea on Wednesday, October 26th as follows.
■ 빈소: 강남 세브란스병원 장례식장 3호실
■ 발인: 2022년 10월 26일(수요일), 13시
■ 장례식장 번호 : 02-2019-4003
Dr. Nak Ho Sung’s family requested that the donation should be made to the KSEA Fund “in Memory of Professor Nak Ho Sung.”
If desired, memorial donations may be made to the following link.
On the donation page, please do not click a button to cover the fees.
Young-Kee Kim
President of KSEA