[현장에서] ‘경찰 총격 사망’ 양용씨 시의회서 공식 추모, 중앙일보 2024/09/18
“용이의 죽음, 헛되지 않게…경찰 잘못된 시스템 맞설 것”, 한국일보 2024/09/18
LA 시청서 양용씨 사망 진상 알리는 추모행사, 한국일보 2024/09/16
LA시의회가 LA 경찰국(LAPD) 경관의 총격으로 사망한 양용씨(40)를 기리기 위한 추모시간을 갖는다.
양용씨의 아버지 양민씨에 따르면, 오는17일(화) 오전 11시30분 LA시청 내 시의회 회의장(340호)에서 모든 시의원이 참석한 가운데 양씨를 추모할 계획이다.
양씨가 사망한 지난 5월2일 이후 시의회에서 공식적인 추모 시간을 갖는 것은 이번이 처음이다. 양민씨는 추모 시간에 앞서 아들의 억울한 죽음에 대해시 의원들을 비롯한 주민들에게 설명할 예정이다.
정신 질환을 앓던 양용씨는가족이 병원 이송을요 청했다가 현장에 출동한 경찰의 총격으로 사망했다. 사건이 발생한 지 4개월이 지났지만, 검시국의 부검 요약본만 공개되었을 뿐,사건에 대한 검찰 조사 결과등은 아직 발표되지 않았다.
이번 LA시의회의 추모시간은 최근 양민씨가 휴고 소토-마르티네즈(13지구) LA시의원과의 만나면서 마련됐다. 양민씨는 “소토-마르티네즈시의원이 2020년 친구의 아들이 LA카운티 셰리프국 요원에게 총을 맞아숨졌다고 전해 주었으며, 우리 가족이 겪고있는 고통에 깊이 공감해 주었다”고 밝혔다.
이어 “그는 우리의 지지자가 되어 줄 뿐만 아니라,집회에도 참여하며 주류 언론과의 연결을 돕겠다고 했다”고 덧붙였다.
양민씨는추모 시간 후,참석자들과 함께 LA경찰국(LAPD)이 보이는 시청잔디밭에서구호를 외칠 계획이라고말했다.그는“ 시의회장 관람석이 가득 찬다면 참 기쁠것같다”며“ 많은 주민이 와서 용이를 위한 정의가 실현되도록 함께해달라”고호소했다.
– 강수아 기자
9 월 17 일 11:30 AM 에 LA 시청사 에서 있는 양용씨의 억울한 죽음에 관한 공청회에 참가 하겠습니다. Chatsworth 방면에서 혹 drive share 를 원하시는 분 계시면 연락 주십시요.
10 사람이 참석하는 것과 100 사람이 참석해서 얻는 효과는 참석자 수의 비례에 기하급수 적으로 커질것이니 백정현 동문의 권고 데로 많은 서울대 동문들의 참가를 요망합니다. 4 개월전 참사 직후 발표된 경찰의 body cam 동영상에서 경찰의 무모하고 비인간적인 살인 행위가 분명한데 여지껏 당국의 공식적인 사과도 없었고 LAPD 나 검찰의 사건 보고서 조차 없이 뭉게고 있는 소의가 무엇인지 공청회에서 강력하게 항의해야 할것입니다. 힘없고 도움이 필요했던 정신질환자를 무모하고 극히 비인간적인 살인 행위를 범한 한 경찰관도 인간임으로 실수와 과오가 있을수 있지만 그 과오를 오히려 도호하려는 인상이 역려한 관련 책임 당국자 들은 같은 범죄를 반복하고 있다고 아니 할수 없습니다. 그 들의 비겁함을 규탄하고 사회 정의 바로 잡기를 원하는 울분과 목소리를 공청회에 많이 참가한 서울대 동문들을 통해서 확실히 전달 됨으로 큰 변화가 있게 되기를 소망합니다.
– 정동구 (공대 57)
Los Angeles City Council to Adjourn in Honor of Man Shot and Killed by LAPD
WHAT: City Councilmember Hugo Soto-Martinez will adjourn Tuesday’s Los Angeles City Council meeting in honor of Yong Yang, who was shot and killed by LAPD in May while he was experiencing a mental health crisis in his parents’ home.
WHEN: Tuesday, September 17, 2024 at the end of the council meeting.
The meeting is expected to conclude no earlier than 12pm.
WHERE: City Hall Council Chambers, 200 Spring Street, Los Angeles CA, 90012
Speakers will be available in English and Korean
*PLEASE NOTE: E-mail correspondence with the office of Councilmember Hugo Soto-Martínez (including any attachments) may be subject to public disclosure under the California Public Records Act.*
<From Justice for Yong Yang People’s Committee>
Come to the LA City Hall City Council Chamber. (Sept 17 11:30am)
It has been four and a half months since Yong Yang was taken from us, murdered unjustly by the very people who swore to protect him. And in these long months, while our grief has deepened, while our anger has grown, we’ve waited—for justice, for answers, for action.
But let me be clear: nothing has changed.
No local, state, or federal politician has stepped up to lead. No one in the LAPD, the City of Los Angeles, the County, the Department of Mental Health, or the Fire Department has shown an ounce of remorse. Not a single action has been taken by the LA County District Attorney’s Office, the California Department of Justice, or the Federal Department of Justice. And what breaks our hearts even more is that no leaders from our own Korean community have stood up to say, “This is wrong, and we demand better.”
Now, in moments like this, we’re tempted to believe that nothing will ever change—that injustice will continue unchecked, that voices like ours won’t be heard. But I refuse to accept that. We cannot afford to accept that. If we let Yong’s death be forgotten, if we allow this tragedy to fade away, then we are complicit in allowing history to repeat itself. And we owe it to ourselves, to our children, and to future generations to make sure that does not happen.
The truth is, none of us can sit this one out. Without your participation, Yong’s death will be swept under the rug, and this same senseless violence will happen again and again. But together, we have the power to break this cycle. Together, we can demand the truth, restore accountability, and work to build a system that reflects the best of who we are, not the worst of what we’ve seen.
This is about more than Yong. This is about justice for everyone who has been let down by those in power. It’s about reforming a system that is broken. It’s about making our society a place where all of us—no matter who we are, where we come from, or what we look like—can live with dignity and respect.
So here’s what we need from you: Show up. Come to the LA City Hall City Council Chamber. Bring your friends, your neighbors, your family. Because your presence will send a message that is impossible to ignore—that we will not rest until justice is served. We will not let this go quietly. We will not let Yong’s life be in vain.
This fight is bigger than any one of us. But I believe that together, as one community, we can rise to this moment. We can demand the change that our city, our state, and our country so desperately need. We can make sure that what happened to Yong never happens again.
Invitation to Double Events in Memory of Yong Yang
You are invited to participate in two events to honor the memory of Yong Yang:
1. Adjourning Motion in the LA City Council Meeting
2. Rally in front of LAPD Headquarters and LA City Hall
Time: Tuesday, September 17, 11:30 AM
Place: John Ferraro Council Chamber, Room 340, City Hall, 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012 (Map link is attached at the end of this letter)
Parking: Free (Free Pass with LA City Logo attached in this letter, just bring it. Or use your phone camera to get it using the also attached QR code)
Lunch: Free (Gimbab & Dduk)
1. Participating in the Adjourning Motion at the LA City Council Meeting
We will meet at the John Ferraro Council Chamber (Room 340) on the third floor of Los Angeles City Hall, located in the heart of Downtown Los Angeles. The City Council Meeting is open to the public, and anyone can freely enter Room 340.
Use this map to come to the LA City Hall Eastern Parking Garage entrance.
Show the Parking Pass to the guard at the entrance. After parking, take a photo of parking spot number on the floor, and take the elevator to the 2nd floor, and move to the City Hall Bldg. Pass through security, tell the guard you are going to “the City Council Chamber and get a visitor pass, and proceed to the 3rd floor. From the elevator bay, come out to the Rotunda and make left you can see a kisk machine on your right. That is the beginning of the corridor leading to the Council Chamber.
The Council Meeting starts at 10:00 AM, but we will gather by 11:30 AM in Room 340. There are many LAPD officers present at the meeting, but please don’t worry about them.
We will sit in the pews inside the chamber, which has 13 rows of pews on each side, with a seating capacity of around 200–250 people. At the end of the meeting, Councilman Hugo Soto-Martinez will make the Adjourning Motion in memory of Yong Yang, and we will stand together to witness this moment with all 15 City Council members.
We don’t bring pickets inside the City Hall Bldg.
2. Rally for Justice for Yong Yang
Following the City Council Meeting, we will walk out of the chamber, proceed to the 1st floor, and gather at the City Hall Park, a small park facing 1st Street.
We will have lunch there, with a view of the LAPD headquarters across the street, and then conduct a rally with chants and picket signs.
Your participation is crucial, and we ask you to share this invitation with others. Please help make it be an impactful event that will catch the attention of the entire city.
*** Event Reel: https://www.facebook.com/reel/894611445898070/
*** Link to the Map of the Parking Lot: https://maps.app.goo.gl/gPxwyQSKHAbN7NBH9
*** Free Parking Pass attached
*** QR code to send friends to get the Free Parking Pass on the phone. Attached, too.
*** Timelines of the day Yong Yang was murdered: https://sites.google.com/view/justiceforyongyang/timeline-the-day-yong-murdered
*** Justice for Yong Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/justiceforyong?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Justice for Yong Yang People’s Committee